sâmbătă, 2 martie 2013

The most beautiful moment at PokerStars

I have a nice moment at PokerStars.You will not expect this but the most beautiful moment was when I won money.This really happened if you believe it, but the good part came when I  found  money in my account, and I had no idea from were they came .
You can imagine what a joy it was for me when I made one rebay of 0.30 cents knowing that I have nothing in my accont  and see that the height and walking, plus $ 699.70 .Now 3 months after ,I have a story to tell friends:I got money on a poker site.I found out where the money came:I took a 5th place in a leaderboard that I had no idea .Imagine it was a Christmas gift.
Can you talk about another happy event on PokerStars, when I will earn $ 7,000 or $ 70,000 but that's a chance event to happen a little later ,when  I'll sleep .In rest, I will  focus on HU SNG Hyper  I almost understand, and participation in WBCOOP will take place from March 1 to 11.Poker is fun , and is is given me the chance to dream for an hour ,and this is poker,it lets you drem and sometime fulfills dreams
During any given hand or session, Luck is the predominant factor. However to be truly a winner it requires Long Term Skill to play in a way that maximizes the advantages you gain through experience and show profit.

This is part of the beauty of poker, anyone can get lucky and win a hand, or win money in a night or over the course of a tournament. This brings them back thinking it is easy to win, allowing the more experienced players to win eventually.

Poker is a type of gambling, the twist is you control when you choose to put the money on the line. The experienced players utilize the probabilities and psychology to gamble when they have the edge, and wait for the next time when they don't.

So to more directly answer your question, in the short term of any given hand, it is 90% Luck, over the course of one night/tournament it is probably 50/50, but over the long term it is 90% skill.

Wish me luck and see you at the final table.
P.S.1.Sorry for mistakes, but I write in English just like I play poker, a good hand and two bad hands(a correct word and two words wrong)
2.From my earnings as a result of this promotion I will use 10$ to correct this post,so you can choose me winner.
3.Romanian readers only: Voi reveni si cu o postare in limba romana , iar daca nu a-ti inteles prea multe din varianta in engleza, sa stiti ca am batut campii despre cum ma voi imbogati eu din poker.Va pup si sa ne vedem la masa finala, iar urmatoarea mea postare va fi despre cum am castigat un mare turneu.


miercuri, 27 februarie 2013

Cel mai frumos moment la PokerStars

Am si eu un moment frumos la PokerStars.Nu o sa va asteptati la asta dar cel mai frumos moment a fost cand am castigat bani.Chiar am patit acest lucru daca va vine sa credeti, insa partea frumoasa a venit in momentul in care m-am trezit ca am banii in cont,mai tarziu am aflat de unde au venit, castigasem 700$ la un leaderbord de care habar nu aveam.Va dati seama ce bucurie a fost pe mine cand am dat la vrajeala un rebay de 0,30 centi stiind ca nu am nimic in cont si vad ca culmea si mergea , in plus 699,70 $ ramasense in cont.Si acum la 3 luni dupa eveniment mai povestesc prietenilor ce de bani am luat pe Pokerstars.
Mai pot sa va povestesc despre un alt eveniment fericit pe PokerStars, cand voi castiga 7000$ sau 70000$ dar asta e un eveniment cu sanse mari sa se intample putin mai tarziu dupa ce adorm.In rest speranta,concentrare pe SNG HU Hyperturbo care cred ca aproape le-am inteles, si o participare la WBCOOP ce va avea loc in perioada 1-11 martie si de unde voi obtine 10 calificari la SCOOP.
Faina distractie si pokerul asta, da greu mai reusesc sa fac si ban din el.
Cel mai interesant la poker e ca desi nu reusesc sa castig prea mult, ci din contra mai mult pierd,totusi reprezinta o placere vinovata cum ar spune Mihai Petre si mai avem nevoie de astfel de placeri in viata noastra
Chiar daca nu ne ofera mereu mereu castiguri, pot spune ca un joc de poker este el in sine un moment frumos, chiar si atunci cand pierzi deci spor ;la mese, castiguri de 5 cifre fara virgula, si o primavara frumoasa ca azi e prima zi de primavara.
Daca nu am 500 de cuvinte cum ar trebui in articol si pentru ca mi-e lene sa le numar , completez cu ,  POKERSTARS sa fiu sigur